Ash Wednesday - Experiential Service

Join us for our Ash Wednesday service on Wednesday February 22 at 7:00 PM. The service will take place at the church and we will also stream the service on Facebook and Vimeo (keep in mind that visibility will be diminished during this dimly lit service).

What is Ash Wednesday?

Ash Wednesday 2023

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent—forty days of reflection leading up to Easter. Traditionally on this day we receive the imposition of ashes in the shape of a cross on our foreheads. This physical symbol reminds us that we are but dust and to dust we shall return. It is a time to become more aware of the movement of God to transform us into the image of Jesus. We make space to become more aware of God's measureless love for us and all people as we align our hearts with Jesus entering into our suffering and death, so that, by the Spirit, He can raise us to share in His eternal life of loving union with the Father.

What you can expect at our service

We are planning a time of experiential reflection, both somber and beautiful. Music, scripture, and poetry focus our thoughts and prepare our hearts for Easter. Prayer stations draw us into awareness of God's movement in our lives, inviting us to respond with gratitude, confession, and surrender. Communion and the imposition of ashes turn us towards Jesus and the cross as we enter the season of Lent.


Fourth Thursday Worship


Congregational Meeting 2/19